Photo Workshop Program 2015

photographic workshop in Lanzarote, Canary Island, Tuscany, Italy and Ireland. Program 2015


Our photographic workshops are designed to lead you every day in the most interesting places and hidden: with our recommendations and suggestions will create unforgettable shots. Do not miss the opportunity to review the pictures taken and to discuss photographic technique and post production.

Here our Photo Workshop Program for the 2015. Enjoy!

Workshop “Landscape and good food” in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany, Italy

Tuscany, Italy

Tuscany, Italy

©2014 Massimo Pisetta Photography

The workshop will be held in the heart of Tuscany, in the territory of Siena, on a perfect landscape and essential fabric by hills and ravines and dotted by the winding course of the river Ombrone.
From Pienza to San Quirico d’Orcia, from Bagno Vignoni to Montalcino, from Castelmuzio to Radicofani we will discover the most beautiful sights of the Val d’Orcia.

  • From Saturday, May 16 to Saturday, May 23, 2015
  • From Saturday, October 10 to Saturday, October 17, 2015

Workshop of landscape photography “Céad míle fáilte” in Ireland



@2014 Massimo Pisetta Photography

Following a route that winds through the Irish countryside, often out of the tourist routes, specifically designed to capture the essence of this fascinating country, whose nature is still capable of winding and give unforgettable shots. The trip will end with a dip in the vitality and worldliness of Dublin.

The route will touch the Midlands, with the most beautiful monastic site of Ireland, then the Sligo County, from the sumptuous rural landscapes home of William Butler Yeats, the poet of Ireland. Continue, then, in the direction of Donegal, characterized by rugged and wild, up to the Giant’s Causway, a spectacular rock formation, Unesco World Heritage site. The two last days will be dedicated to visiting Dublin, with its artistic and human heritage.

– From Saturday, September 19 to Saturday, September 26, 2015

Photographic Workshop Lanzarote, the “Isla diferente”

Lanzarote, Canary Island

Lanzarote, Canary Island

©2014 Massimo Pisetta Photography

Lanzarote is a fascinating island, with extraordinary geology that has beautiful beaches, beautiful landscapes dotted by over 300 volcanic cones and an extraordinary light at any time of day.
Thanks to its constant spring climate Lanzarote is an ideal destination at any time of the year.
You can observe and photograph the lunar landscape interrupted by lush valleys that stand out against the background of a black lava fields of deep red, with the blue of the sky and sea as background.

The workshop in Lanzarote are scheduled throughout the year. In fact, every month is available a 10-day “window” in which you can program the days (minimum two days) to dedicate to photographic workshop, which will be held jointly with the team of the Manifattura Fotografica.
In the case of groups already preconceived (eg. club or photographic associations) or in case of special needs, the team of the Manifattura Fotografica is available and capable of offering customized solutions.

month of January 2015
from Friday 2 to Sunday 11

month of June 2015
from Friday 19 to Sunday 28

month of February 2015
from Friday 13 to Sunday 22

month of July 2015
from Friday 10 to Sunday 19

month of March 2015
from Sunday 1st to Tuesday 10

month of August 2015
from Sunday 16 to Tuesday 25

month of April 2015
from Tuesday 21 to Thursday 30

month of September 2015
Saturday 5 to Monday 14

month of May 2015
from Friday 1 to Sunday 10

month of October 2015
from Tuesday 20 to Thursday 29

Caleta de Famara, Lanzarote, Canary Island

Caleta de Famara, Lanzarote, Canary Island

@2014 Beatrice Scazzieri Photography

A professional photographer will follow you step by step to discover the wonders of our destinations. In addition to the practical advice, there will be moments of deepening, during which improve yours photographic knowledge.It will address issues such as the use of the camera, the correct lens choice and composition, in order to be able to discern what are the elements that combine to compose a good photo from those that will be excluded, what is the best cut to give the image and how to take advantage of the light in order to be able to convey to those who will look at yours photographies, the feeling and the emotions felt by the photographer at the time of shooting.

Our photo trips are suitable for all photographers of any experience and age.

To participate in our Photo Workshop you do not need professional equipment, the desire to know wonderful places to capture in a photo is enough!!!